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Off-topic \  grrr


Off-topic General Discussions
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HeatWaveDave   +1y
yeah im pist just ripped my tint off my truck cause i have a 136 dollar fine coming my way...what pist me off the most was when i tried to explain myself(weasle my way out of the ticket) the cop kept walking away from me when i was talking..and refused to answer any of my questions and handed me a ticket w/o telling me what it was for...kind of un least i think so..not hating on cops..but when i called the squad this guy works for about my blazer getting broken into they told me there was nothign they could do about it...which is kind of shitty now that i am paying for the slack that they give off...get fucked for trying to protect myself cause i know my local police force wont help me also kind o bothers me when they follow me for 16+ blocks and make it really obvious like if i turn on my directional they'll do the same then i turn it off and go straight and they will follow me with thiers still on definately fighting this..think i have a chance?
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