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Off-topic \  who are you voting for president?

who are you voting for president?

Off-topic General Discussions
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streetsweeper1   +1y
who are you guys gonna vote for president? I myself am voting for BUSH. Most people who are not voting for him are brainwashed by the liberal media and school system or are in some way not in their right mind. I mean come on, after the ass he kicked in Iraq and saddams capture, you still want to vote democrat! Give me a break you might as well support the terrorists. We must fight the enemy within. and save america from the liberal assault on Our borders, languageand culture. So if you're a Liberal you're probably also a marxist, sociallist, immoral, anti-american, PIG. So F**K YOU I don't care if you like Bush but just remember when you vote democrat, you're not voting for improved health care, social security and all the other S**T they promise you. your voting for criminals
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