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Off-topic \  deaf dog!!!

deaf dog!!!

Off-topic General Discussions
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Heay for all the dog owners on here I justa want to know how many of your dogs have"selective hearing", I just let my dig out to got take a wiz and since it like 10 degrees i stayed at the door, so this mutha f@#ker wanders his little a@@ over into the neighbors yard and is just a lollygaggin around, so I start callin him and he just looks up one time at me with this look like "yea right" and keeps on goin!! so everytime after that I call him he plays deaf like he cant hear but when were in the house and in different rooms, if I even make the slightest noise that sounds like a potato chip bag or sumthing hes all up on my lap and shit!!! anybody elses dogs like this??
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