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Off-topic \  Someone give me some advice..please..

Someone give me some advice..please..

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RedRocketToyota87   +1y
aiight...this is gonna be long...but if you do take the time to read it..please give me some advice on what to do. iight...there's this girl that i've liked since september..and up until this past tuesday she had a b/f. so up until then i just kinda sat back and we were just friends...well...when i went to school tuesday...and got to lunch she came over there to sit with me like she always does and i could tell something was wrong with her. so i was like "what's wrong" and she's like me and my b/f broke i'm like (hell yeah) in my head. well anyway..i got this real cool teacher that i have his class after lunch..and i told him what was up...and he's like imma tell you what i'll do and he told me to write her a note askin for her number and he'd send it to her class... and i said..i'll just ask her later...and he's like need to get on the ball..b4 someone else does. so i did and i got her number, later to find out that friday before this tuesday...when they broke up she asked one of my friends for my number but he didn't know it, so anyway that night i went up to where she works and talked to her, gave her a hug and left..well anyway wednesday went by just as a regular day and thursday...she was sittin by one of my friends kinda whisperin to i'm like man fuck this shit i know that my own friend ain't gonna do me like i asked one of her good friends if anything was goin on with the two of them and she said i'm like aiight...well yesterday he was ridin with me on the way to school and his phone rang...and he was talkin and he said to me "brittany says hey"...brittany is the girl i likes name..and i'm like "aiight hey back" or whatever and i heard him say..."are you workin tonight" and then he said "aiight i'll see you tonight" and i'm like wtf you know. well anyway i'm talkin to my cool ass teacher and he's man..look he isn't gonna show up...he said just go up there and watch 30 minutes before and after the time he said he'd be i did...well i was bout to go in to talk to her when i see some headlights go past my truck real slow...and i look closer...i'll be damned if it wasn't her ex b/ i'm like i sat there and waited for him to get out and he never did so i said screw this and left...soon as i pulled out onto the main road he got his ass out and went in. but she knows i like her..but i don't think she knows just how much i like her...and there's this other guy she's been kinda talkin about but i don't know if it's anything goin on there. but anyway..someone pleazze tell me what to do what to say or something....b/c i don't know how she feels about me or my mind is just blank..sorry for the lonnnng post..and if you're gonna post a stupid comment..please don't post at all i got enough stress as it is..thankx in advance guys
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