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Off-topic \  political correctness?

political correctness?

Off-topic General Discussions
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Bentlay   +1y
why is it that blacks are called African Americans, when they werent ever born in Africa, yet whites are just whites? I was in class the other day and my teacher said 'there are many differences between africans americans and whites' so i 'corrected' him and said 'blacks and whites' and i got sent to the office? anyone else know whut im talkin about? also y is it ok for blacks to call blacks 'niggas or niggers' and mexicans can call mexicans 'essays' but when a white person does it we get in trouble? I just feel everyone should be Americans, not african, or mexican or whutever UNLESS you personally were born there. Also y is it there is no 'united caucasion college fund' or special college fund for whites, only for the so called 'foreigners'? sorry for the long post shit like that just pisses me off. and no im not fuckin racist, and if u are going to leave sum stupid ass fuckin remark dont waste your time and prove how gay you are!
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