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Off-topic \  "THE END OF CRUISING"


Off-topic General Discussions
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TRIKKY   +1y
Ok, I just got done reading an article in the latest issue of car and driver, the article "THE END OF CRUISING" . WTF? Has anyone else read this yet? The article goes on to say (for those who havent read it yet, or dont have a subscription to car and driver), that cruising is becoming "illegal" in areas? Wow, ok, I had no clue it was this serious. I live in Michigan, and nowhere here is it "illegal" here. So I'm out of the loop I guess. Do we actually pay police to sit at "2 hour cruising post", waiting to see someone go by more than once in this time frame, pull them over ticket them, and possiblly more, you know they are going to haggle you. This is so wrong, and ridiculous. We as the present generation need to make an damn stink about this, cause our money and our thoughts alone will do us no good if we fight it one person at a time. Quote; "Cities are rapidly outlawing an American rite of passage as old as the automobile itself" ...this is so wrong...whats next? Will they make it so we cant have our cars with wild ass paint, juice, etc.? Anyone and everyone interested more in this, go buy the latest issue and read about this, its very serious. We will have to get together (the cruising, dragging community, the street scene, etc.) and fight back, or we will become extinct! Let me know what you guys think anyways...sorry that was so deep in thought, post in this forum your thoughts.
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