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Off-topic \  MiniTrucker's Lifestyle essay.

MiniTrucker's Lifestyle essay.

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DougyFrisch   +1y
I'm a senior in high school at the moment and for my final 10 page research paper in english i'm wanting to write about the lifestyle of a minitrucker. like the reasons that we do what we do. the friends that you make. the money. the girls. everything that goes along with the great sport that we all love. but i'm having trouble getting sources to write from on this essay. my teacher told me that i need several, so i brought in just about every MiniTruckin Mag, StreetTruck, and SportTruck mag that i own and even let her read most of the article on this wonderfull site.but she's still not convinced. has anyone else done any type of writing like this already or know of any sources that would even pertain to my subject. when it's all done and over with i'll post it on here but i really dont' want to go writing my essay over some gay subject like, homelessness or gun laws. Help out a despirate minitrucker tryin' to get out of school.

Peace out and Drag on................
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