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Off-topic \  ok this really pisses me off how about you?

ok this really pisses me off how about you?

Off-topic General Discussions
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cchevrolow95   +1y
my truck has been bagged for over 2 years and i finally couldnt stand the notch and bridge i had or my 4 link being reverse so i decided tonight to cut everything off and start fresh, i got as far as taking the rear bars off, removing my bags, cut off the notch and bridge and i welded one new notch on completely and guess what happens, at 11:30 at night i run out of argon while i am flying through the rebuild and full of energy, now im at home, got my thumb in my ass, and i cant do shit without gas for the welder, and dont say use flux core, flux core is for the handicap. never fails, anyone ever been in this boat??
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