i've wanted to start fab'n and painting etc. for a long but theres always a reason why i cant I never have anywhere to workI busted my ass to clean up the garage because it was filled to the cieling with shit(had to sift through every piece of paper clothing you name it 100 hours or more) just finished it gets replaced with furniture that we dont need,b4 i could do that I had to do the same in the basement,constantly fighting for everything I wanted to throw away, im finishing up my homechool shit and my mom wont let me bring any equipment in until im done mig welder torch etc. but shes got no real reason why on top of that ive always been broke for whatever reason up until now mostly cuz my dad is the sole provider and he is in sales up and down up and down one year 120,000 next could be 20,000 so my parents dont take my money but somehow i end up spending on something other than what i want food petty shit that adds up quick and it fucking sucks