ok now i dont know how many of you out there have run reverse 4 link set ups or even half reverse but i will tell you all something, and most people already know, but being one of these reverse triangulated reverse users , i will never go back to it ever, i just spent the past 30 hours taking my rear bars out and swapping them around to run triangulated forward and now all my bars are forward and the first 20 feet down the road i had a hard on so big i had no skin left to close me eyes. trying both set ups i can say that reverse sucks ass i dont care how good its done or how nice it rides, in the long run, it will cause major problems with multiple things on your vehicle like it did to mine, i only did mine reversed because a friend talked me into it and i will never listen to a friend tell me how to do my shit again. i know all you guys have heard this before but trust me, take it from someone who has been through both set ups, reverse sucks. hope i inspired some of you to change your minds before you kick yourself in the ass! later