ok here is my story.... so tonite i parked my bd toyota on the side of the street out front of my house.... i left the front skyed and i dumped the ass end so the rollpan was flat on the ground, i don't have an ebrake anymore, so i have to park it in gear so it doesnt roll away.... well when i lay my truck out its obviously not gonna roll away if the body is flat on the ground.... little did i know... since the side of the road was curved, not the whole rollpan was laying flat,so i come out to my truck a few hours later, and its gone..... walk closer.. and there it is, bout 15-20 feet farther away from where i parked it, and its parked with the ass end almost in the middle of the street and the pass. side 19" sittin nice and flush on the side of the curb.... needless to say my PERFECT 19" rim is not so flawless anymore.... its royally fucked , curb mark around the whole lip and on each spoke of the rim from one side of the spoke to the other.... how did this happen u ask ?? BCUZ IT WASNT PARKED IN GEAR, i dont know if some retard pushed it by hand... or if it just magically aired itself up just enuf and it decided to take a cruise down the street without a driver.... but the moral of this story, is to always make sure that your mini is in gear or pull your ebrake... i NEVER thought sumthin like this could happen since the body was on the ground.... never say never i guess.....GAWD DAMNIT IM PISSED !!!!!!!!!!!!! , ok im done now, somebody please slap me