i know, i know, its another tattoo question but i'm not asking for pics or anything, just advise. ok, i went into the place were i got my second tattoo and asked for the guy who did it. he wasn't in so i told the guy who was helping me what i wanted to get as my 3rd tattoo. well he showed me this drawing he had that i loved and he sayed he could do it for a good price because her wanted to use his own colors and use it for his portfolio to show people what he can do. now my question it dick of me to go to this other guy to get my next tattoo rather then go back to the guy who did my last one? it's the same tattoo place but i don't want to piss anyone off and i really like the drawing this guy showed me...i know everyone in here would apperciate it. well any adivise would be apperciate. thanks - Jason NJ