Edited: 5/6/2004 4:03:45 PM by travis98s10
Edited: 5/6/2004 11:42:44 AM by travis98s10
Edited: 5/5/2004 1:42:56 PM by travis98s10
Edited: 5/4/2004 2:54:54 PM by travis98s10
The meeting is this Sat. May 8 at Concord Mills NC. So far more than 30 people plan on showing up at 12:00 noon in the parking lot behind the gocart track. A few people from PP and Acrophobia plan on attending so its going to be good. If you plan on going, post because the more the better. Bring a friend(s) too. The weather is supposed to be sunny and warm so hell yea NO RAIN! Hope to see you there.