My g/f and I have been going out for 14 months. I was at her place earlier. I was on her computer while she was taking a nap, she was very tired from "work". And someone out of the blue Instant messanges her computer...and starts talking about how much fun he had last night...and so on and so forth, and wants to know if she got ANY sleep last night...and here it is, me reading this. This is my first serious g/f. So I start packing up all my things and I tell her to tell wtf is going on. And she spills it all. Shes balling and everything. so i go to leave and she gets in the car and rides around town for about two hours, while i am trying to think about this. she is crying the whole time, saying it was an accident, and she was drunk the FIRST time it happend. Here is what her away message says.
I just did some major buddy list cleaning...deleted everyone that shouldn't be on there and that i dont consider my real friend. Tonight is probably the shittiest night of my life. The guy i love hates me, and all i really want to do is be in his arms so bad. :'(I hope he knows that i love him so much and i never meant to hurt him.
What should I do guys. I need some advice please. I know this is prolly not the place to talk about this, but i feel pretty down rite now, and its late, so i am not calling any of my buddies rite now.
Sorry this is so long everyone, please bare with me and any of my typos'