Just to clarify before i speak my peace im not trying to start an arguement and i DO NOT support this.
Has anyone been paying attention to the Rawanda genocide? I read about it in the paper all the time. In todays CHICAG SUN TIMES thay have an article about it. They say that since it started April 7, 1994 more than 500,000 Tutsis and Hutus 9a group of people) have been killed.
This shit is INSANE. I read about this all the time and i guess its been going on for awhile in different parts of Africa. They kill each other all the damn time and nobody cares. Pretty sad that other human beings can do this to each other and get away with it. Its like another Holocaust and it seems like other countries dont care. The country is run by guerillas. All the spread of disease and starvation and then they kill one another off. Pretty fuckign crazy if u ask me.