if anyone is looking for an irs to fab into a truck or car, i have two out of a lincoln mark VIII, these rears use bags from the factory but you obviously would have to make your own bag set up cause the factory bags are gay. the center sections are aluminum , both have limited slip 3:32 ratio's, lower control arms are aluminum, the cradle is steel and the uppers are steel also. both are in very good condition, i can get you a measurement from rotor to rotor if you are interested.yes they are disk brake, 5 on 4 1/2 lug pattern, ranger, mustang.... so on. i am in florida you can pick up or i can ship them, but from in the past shipping them is not cheap. i didnt try to start a thread for shit for sale, but i have no use for them, and the irs is a pretty sweet conversion if someone wants to try it, we have sold some to guys building street rods, and one actually went into a 66 mustang. email me at
cchevrolow95@aol.com or hit me up on here if you want one.