Who else is getting sick and tired of all this chopper business? It's getting ridiculus. 5 years ago, people who rode/owned chopped motorcycles were leatherheads, mullet wearers, hells angels, big billy bad asses, wife beaters, drunkin white trash, etc. NOW its middle aged business men, corporate excecutives, regular house wives, and rich kids in high school. You get my point. Everytime I turn it to discovery there is a damn OCC show on. Who Freakin Cares! What's so special about a couple of dudes BUYING a bunch of custom chrome parts, slapping them all together, then breaking them down, OUTSOURCE the paint job, and then assembling them again. What the hell are we supposed to learn from this? I thought a chopper was a self hack job done to a harley frame or something. Hence the word "CHOPper". Ya know, modify the factory frame, change the forks and wheels, swap the motor, and add seriously loud exhaust.
Building today's chopper is cake compared to what we do. Just buy custom parts to build the bike you want and just slap them together using installation instructions like its a plastic model and poof! Your new "chopper" is ready.
Maybe one day we'll see them shave, bodydrop, bag, bridge, juice, glass, chop, section, tub, dub, suicide, french, and custom paint minitrucks on every learning channel every night of the week. Maybe then my mom, dad, brother, sister, motherinlaw, fatherinlaw, grandma, grandpa, aunts and uncles will want a truck just like ours.
Scrape on Brothers!WE are the true choppers. Unless you guys know where i can buy a bodydropped cab and bed for a 91 s10? J/K ya know what I mean.