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Toyota Pickup Projects \  video hosting

video hosting

Toyota Pickup Projects
views 2133
replies 10
following 6
superstylin   +1y
i've got a drag video that need hosting,
problem is it's 25mb.
and my isp will only let me host 10mb.
havent compressed it for fear of losing picture quality
the twanksta   +1y
hey man i have an awesome video compressor it wont lose ne quality at all unless you do full screen..its called "sorenson squeeze". D/l that you will be amazed, if you have tech dificulties using it hit me up on aim. Im The Twanksta.
vegasyota94   +1y
dude if u want i am working on a video hosting site.. but i can set u up an ftp if ud like

let me know what your user/pass would be.. pm me or something.
superstylin   +1y
thanks guys
i'm on days off now so i'll be on it asap
layedoutdreams   +1y
Come on, you got me all excited, I want to see it!
vegasyota94   +1y
i can still throw it on my site for you if you would like.. let me know..
superstylin   +1y
sorry i forgot about it
its not on my cam.
its just me and my boy was my trucks first real drag session.
i'll get on it now though
2lowtoy   +1y
you can use this site for free video file hosting of up to 250mb's

vegasyota94   +1y
i gots unlimited.

u just gotta find the page.. heh
no, im working on a page thats for people to upload their vids and show em off.. you will all like it.. trust me..
whynotfab   +1y
yea its gonna be badass!