Camry Style
well the other night i got pulled over for having no light on my tags, he comes up to the car and says i smell like alachol, i only had 3 drinks and i wants drunk. i do the walk the line bullshit then stand on 1 leg and count to 30 that was all good and then took the breathalizer and failed in kansas so i have heard the law is if u fail to blow u looses your liscenes for a year regardless but then found out yesterday its only a then the bitch ass cop didnt tell me shit about a hearing for my liscenes i had to get with in 10 days of that, so now i can loose my liscenes for a definate 30 days and maybe up to a year, this is the 1st time i have been arrested and its all sorts of fucked up.....what are the laws in your states for not doing the breathalizer....and thats the last fuckin time i ever have a beer and drive again!