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Southeast \  Scr8fest 11...

Scr8fest 11...

Southeast Events
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smctoy   +1y
Here are some of the pics I took, they are posted on & are under the Members Coverage Section! Oh & the pics are under smcprez!

baha   +1y
Nice pics man! I'm kicking myself I didn't make it out there this year, it looks like it's even bigger!
smctoy   +1y
I know how you feel bro...this was the only show that I got to attend this year & it was pretty good.
baha   +1y
I never realized you own that black eclipse on air with the black and blue graphics to right? I like the air brushing!
kdcgrohl   +1y
Was pretty good lookin show this year, good pics SMC. I loitered by your truck for a few mins but didn't see ya. We left after a few hours and went to see The Offspring concert in Charlotte.
smctoy   +1y

Yep...thats my other toy lol!! I was looking for you kdcgrohl, but I got so wraped up with taking pics that I didnt see you!
blackls1   +1y
I had a blast. I met some super nice guys from tenn. They post on isuzuscene and mazdascene. I hung out with the s10forum guys and went with some of them on the I85 drag. I'll try and find some pics and videos. I haven't had time to upload my pics yet.
locaddy   +1y
I was there too, I thought that was your truck but wasnt positive. I had a blast this year, first time Ive camped at a show. There was some crazy ass folks out there. We met some really cool people and hung out til about 5 am when the beer ran out then we crashed. Cant wait til next year.

I figured you were out there somewhere kdc guess I missed ya.
kdcgrohl   +1y

Hey Mike, sorry I missed ya, make sure you plan on hitting Freak Show this year, should be the best party of the year.
blackls1   +1y
I'll be at Freak Show. Along with a group of guys from S10forum. Should be a killer time.
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