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Mazda Trucks \  u cant tow me!

u cant tow me!

Mazda Trucks Make Specific
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so this morrning im going to the store for smokes and a soda, rollin my dawg ah 1/4 inch off the ground and i see this cop come hallin azz to come get me and he was to close so i could not lift it or he could get me for that so i pull over and he walks up and says how are you driven that truck like that i told him air bags yada yada he then says that cant be legal im going to have it towed i was shocked and thought to my self f**k that so when he was calling a tow truck i reached in droped it all the way, witch the air scared him and pissed him off even more then i yanked my ground for my switch box , the tow truck got there and the guy told the cop he could not get it up on the flat bed without riping the shit out of the truck , so the cop tells me to lift it up and i tell him i forgot how to he realy didnt like that so by this time the tow truck guy says dude i love your truck i started laughing and asked for help from the tow truck driver he said no prob. well i dont no what he said to the man in blue but 7 cops a tow truck driver and me and my mini where all siting there when the cop says get your truck up and get out of here now so i said peace jumped in put the wire back together and lifted it up about 1/8 inch up slamed it in first and took off now keeping in mind there all be hind me i look back just then i hit a man hole and sparkes went every where. so i drove home and i had to tell some one.
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