here is what ive been working on in my parents garage/ front yard for the past...i dont know ages. i guess this saves time ressurecting an old thread
ok my van:
this things all in primer now and shaved i just dont have money for the paint. so it can wait a little longer. i have a hatchback to get around in anyways
put some time in and unbolted it from its 4x4 frame but its still at the guys house. its been raining like a months solid so i dont want to be stuffing around moving it and getting soaked when i can just go over there and take measurements
the notch. its a dw customs notch, cool cos its so big and flowing but they take a bit longer to install
front brackets..copied cando's method
heres the frame, ive ordered a 4link for it today so hopefully this week ill get the body mounts welded on and can take it home and put it in my driveway with the body on (no 15amp supply at my house)
close up of where i shortened the frame
My 82:
been workin on this thing on and off, sank more money in to it and did:
finishied 4x4 flares on the bed
had to buy another set of guards to do it. so in total this truck has 4 sets of guards welded in to it. two aftermarket 824x4 sets, one original 82 4x4 set and the 4 runner indicator buckets
- i also had to weld in a new lower section of the genuine 4x4 guards becuase they were rusted out, tho lost the photo
the bed floor
all sheet and smooth, crap pick, like i said its been raining like a bitch so it keeps filling up like a swimming pool
n yeah thats my update for the time being, spose ill post some more in a while when i get more stuff done, sorry if some of the shots are huge