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Toyota Pickup Projects \  bad gas?

bad gas?

Toyota Pickup Projects
views 746
replies 3
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idropdit (brandon)   +1y
hey.. about 2 weeks ago i went and picked up a truck i bought.. the guy had a big kerosene container, and said it was gas.. poured it in the tank and carband she fired up and ran fine.. had about 4 gallons left in the container, and i brought it home and left it capped and covered under my back awning.. i put it in my honda this morning, and it starts and runs for about 30 seconds thrn dies.. and now it just turns over. is it possible it could've really been kerosene, and the truck ran fine on it? or is it just bad gas? it's only been sitting for 2 weeks.. help!
yodaforce   +1y
If the container was sitting for a long time (months) and had enough empty space in it. condensation from outside humidity can build up inside the empty space and actually drip down into the gas. Water will collect at the bottom as a seperate liquid under the gas. Most times when the container is tipped up to pour, SOME of the water will run out first, then gas. Depending on how much water is poured out into the gas tank, the fuel pickup may or may not suck up the water in the bottom of the tank. Every car is different. Some cars will pick up right off the bottom of the tank, therefore, getting water in the line. When you poured the "gas" into the Honda, did you empty the container in it? If so, you could have just dumped alot of water in there. Then after the gas in the gas line was used up, water hit the injectors, thus, it will not run now. My truck sat for 6 months, with only about an eighth of a tank, so in order to get it running again without the water, I had to add "water burn"(a chemical that causes the water to actually mix with the fuel) in addition to about 3 gallons of fresh gas. If water is in the line, you'll have to open up the line at the filter, turn on the key and let the pump push the liquid into a container for inspection and replacement.
idropdit (brandon)   +1y
it wasn't sitting but for like 2 weeks.. however, i drained the tank, and there was about a gallon of water! anyway, i got gas in it, just have to work the water out.. where do i buy the water burn stuff??
guilty by design   +1y
its called "heet" you can usually find it in any auto parts store.
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