So I work at a credit union i na high school here in a rich town, and on the way into work I get nailed by a few tennis balls from the gym class. I was alread ylate for work so instead of stopping to strangle someone I went about my day, later I told the teacher who was out there that if there was any damage I would strangle him and the kids. So anyway when I go to leave I see a note on my car, so I read it and its the editor of the sschool paper wanting to do a feature on my car.They are doing this one on car related issues, laws, parking lot rules, etc. But giving me a full color feature in the center spread of a couple of pages. Normally i owuld say cool whatever, but this paper goes all around town, which could really land me some goood exposure as in $pon$or$! I am excited. Sorry to be so long but I am hyped about it cause I really need my paint job after I shave.