here's my $400 farm truck, it's spent it's whole life on a farm never seeing 50mph..
has a tiny bit of rust but that's expected on an 86..
here's what I started with..
motor needed the whole front end rebuilt, it leaked like crazy and the timing chain was noisey..
when I got it home it spit oil out the front of the timing cover like the Duke spitting Tobacco..
after opening her up this is what I found..
nice grooves..
after further inspection, I asked myself, hey self.. where's the guide??
so after pulling the pan there the guide was, guess it's giving tours of the oil pickup tube..
so after an order of a front end kit which should be here monday, I've got her tore down this far..
pretty clean for 203k on her..
so while I wait I decided to do some other work..
dropped her 3" all the way around..
after more work and and building..
had to get a wink mirror..
as she sits today, just waiting on wheels and tires, then I'll start the body work..