Edited: 10/3/2004 9:03:43 PM by simm1523
ok.. i was out in my taco tonite and i got pulled over for having a tag improper attached in that it was "hanging and floping around".... granted i have a drop tag wired to my ignition... and the tag has a tiny bit of free play when its down (like half a milimeter).... also when the cop pulled me over, he asked me to ROLL UP MY WINDOW a bit to check the tint... the window was rolled all the way down since i left the house... thankfully the tint was only 37% so there was no ticket but does he have the right to have me "roll up" my roll down window so he can check it?? he said that the state of florida gives him the right to check anything on the truck and that the strip on my front window was too low (which it is) but that it can only come down to the mark (atf???) thats etched in the window from the factory.... now he let me off with a "verbal" warning but when he asked roll the window up my friend said that it was not legal for him to ask me to roll up the window because the window was down and he hesitated for 3 seconds before asking if he wanted to go to jail for obstruction.... this sounds REALLY fishy to me so thats why i ask.... oh and we got out to look at the tag with the cop, it was pretty securely attached and he even admitted it... was he just trying to be a dick or what???.... thanks for any info...