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Wheel Questions \  to all wheel companies

to all wheel companies

Wheel Questions Q & A
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burningrubber81   +1y
I am looking for a wheel company who would be interested in sponsoring my truck with a set of wheels. My truck is obviously not finished but it is getting closer every day. All of my extra cash in the next year will be going into finishing the rest of my truck so I estimate it will be at least a year before I will be able to afford wheels 20" or bigger. If you have ever seen my truck in public or at a show then you would know that it always has a big crowd around it so your wheels would be getting plenty of publicity. If you would be interested in working something out then email me at Anyone else who has any suggestions feel free to post or IM me but if you are just gonna call me cheap then your waisting your breathe because I work for everything I have.
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