i do a lot of audio as well, also worked at best buy installing for them, anyway 143.8 was with the bass at -3 (didnt know until after) lol, and also the box isnt to spec, nor are the amps turned up, but to answer the question yes i have to 3x5 inch vent in the rear of the cab that pour air out. but anyway yea built the box quickly. i was watching pimp my ride last night and they built a sick ass box for 6 12's in a blazer sealed and then ported the front of it with a seperate wall, thinkin about doing 8 10's that way since my box isnt considered street class due to the fact my amp rack is at an angle so it peakes over my window, so its customized street which makes it difficult to compete against others, although i didnt build the box to compete i built it to enjoy clean bass.