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Mini Truckin General \  Help!! Orlando Area volunteers needed for "GTA: San Andreas" launch...

Help!! Orlando Area volunteers needed for "GTA: San Andreas" launch...

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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Madness   +1y
Hey all. Great site, and nice rides.

My Brother "matt" (from is a member of this site, and suggested I post here to find a few volunteers.

I work Part-Time at a local Gamestop here in Orlando as my second job. We're doing a release event for the PS2 game "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" on Tuesday, October 26th. The District Manager has asked me to see if I can get a few volunteers to show up around 5pm with their tricked out rides, and park them in front of the store for a few hours to add to the whole "GTA" theme. In his words "Can you get a couple of low riders to come over and sit on hydros in front of the store for a few hours?"

At my store, we would need 2 volunteers. I have been told by the DM though, that we could use at least 4 more vehicles for other stores in the orlando area.

I can't offer any type of monetary compensation unfortunately, but there will be pizza and drinks. Plus, If you want to buy the game, I'll see to it that you get a copy that day whether you have pre-ordered it or not.

Also, you are free to promote any website, or club you wish during this time. I promise there will be ALOT of people there during these hours, and it should be a good time for all.

Please email me if you are in the Orlando area and can help us out with the launch event.

I know it's short notice, but if some of you are close by, and want something to do after work that day, it'll be fun.

Thanks again all.
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