so yeah, my brother has been wanting to goto TJ (tijuana) for a few months to smuggle over some absinth.. you know, the shit that makes u trip when u drink it.. well he got a few bottles over, and gave me 2.. Directions say mix 1 shot of absinth with 2 shots of water, then dip a sugar qube in that stuff, and light it on fire.. when the fire goes out and the sugar is melted, pour it into the drink.. well we didnt do it like that lol.. we took shots.. this shit is 110 proof.. i was fucked up and feeling way good the other night.. anyways, here are some pix of the little bit i have left..
it glows yellow in a black light too..
this shit is illegal in the United States because of something in it that makes u trip..
the little bottle was 20 bux, the big one was 40 bux...