Edited: 12/31/2004 1:27:08 AM by DeceMaz
the thread was deleted, and for good reason, but I want to explain myself, as I feel I wasn't properly understood in my original post.
it is unfortunate, that everyone seems to have mis-interpreted what I said. but the truth is, I had absolutely NO idea, that my brake line was in any danger. everyday, I drive on the highway to work where the speed limit sometimes reaches 100 km/h. No one, no matter how stupid, would drive at that speed , knowing full well their brakes could fail at anygiven time. It was not until I had my truck towed to the dealership I work for, and took multiple pictures, and played out several scenarios while my truck was on the hoist, did I realize what caused the accident, AFTER it happened. My cousin and I, ( my cousin performed EVERY last modification from suspension to bodywork and paint , to this S-10 and is VERY skilled when it comes to this type of thing)
we had welded little clips to my upper control arm, to hold the brake line in place, we then ran gave the line a tiny bit of slack, to compensate for suspension travel, and ziptied the line to the spindle, then let it go to the caliper, this was all to be safer than just running the line alongside the air bag itself where it could be pinched or rubbed on something, what happened was, at a certain ride height and wheel turn, the slack was -JUST- to much, and the hose was pushed up into the inside of my wheel, now, if i had anything bigger than a 15" wheel, this would never have happend, we also tested the way we ran the line as thouroughly and intensively as possible, and i checked my lines every other day for the first 2 weeks or so to make sure nothing happened, well, something did, I ended up getting in crap for it, and I decided to share my misfortion with the rest of you at streetsource, little did I know, i was going to have my head torn from my body, and have people going into my profile to dig up pictures of me and take personal stabs at me.
I do not see how me being in an accident makes me a homosexual, as many of you called me a fag.
I do not see how me being in an accident makes me a "loser", a "retard", or have "ADD"
those pictures were jokes, I am an 18 yr old caucasion male that lives in a rural area of western canada,I listen to bands like finch, green day and so forth, I don't do drugs, I don't beat people up, I don't do anything like what you assumed I did, I am in no way professing to be a "gangster" or whatever, its a joke, get over it. i'm not serious at all. and if you still think i'm "stupid looking" or "ugly" thats awesome, we are all entitled to opinoins, but it was in no way relevant to the topic, at all.
and Dubrocker, I agree, the guy should not have to walk around town, the rental was justified, the only thing that bothered me honestly, was the major difference in repair quotes two seperate body shops that have to deal with the same huge insurance corporation. I mean come on, 878$ at one place, and 2600$ at another? that is hardly justified.
so in the end, all I'm saying is, before you tear into me, and accuse me of being a homosexual retarded menace to society. think about it. its awfully easy to say things to people you can't see in person, and you have no idea who I am. so in closing, take it easy, and get this site back to what its good for, tons of information, and helpful people, and getting people into this sport
and please Garrick , or whoever deleted the last thread, leave this one up. I want my side told.