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Mini Truckin General \  Cool cop story...

Cool cop story...

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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Douggiefresh   +1y
Well with all the stories going around about all the bad times people have had with cops recently I figured Id start the new year off with a good story about a cop. Me, my girl, and my two friends went out to diner tonight and after we left I dropped my girl home and I was driving home to my house. I drive this particular road every night on the way home and there are always cops on the road. Tonight I was being particularly careful because its New Years weekend and I know theres drunks out, and a shitload of cops looking for those drunks. I was doing prolly 40 in a 45 with a car about 200 feet behind me and I come around a turn and see the headlights with the blinker lights on the inside. Anybody whos ever been pulled over or seen a cop car behind them at night knows what cop headlights look like, and theres no mistaking them. So I pass the cop and the car behind me passes it and I see the cop pull out. The lights go on and the car behind me pulls over, it passes them and comes up on me. I was thinking it got blown out for a call so I try and pull off the road a little bit but there was no shoulder. I look in my rear view mirror to see the patrol car lining up behind me.
By this time I had my license, reg, and insurance ready and was just waiting for the cop to walk up. Well, they did, and it was a girl that had graduated with one of my buddies whom I had just left diner with. She asks for my information and asks me if I know why im being pulled over. I said that I wasnt sure because I was doing the speedlimit. She said she was pulling me over for my plate and asked if I had been pulled over for it before. I explained to her how the cop in the town I work in gives me a hard time about it all the time and has given me 5 tickets for it. She told me that she thought my car was real nice and that the only thing is it sticks out like a sore thumb and that she can understand why I get pulled over alot. She gave me back my info and told me to have a good night and be careful. As she was about to walk away I asked her if she knew the kid that I was out to diner with, and that he had told me if she ever pulled me over to say hello, she laughed and said she knew him and we started talking again, finally she asked me what the switchs where on the floor to which I replied "if I show you, do you promise not to give me a ticket" she said she wouldnt and I pick up the switch box and air it out, to which she replied (no exageration) "holy fuck" I almost died laughing....
Funny thing is, I have passed this girl before and she never could pull me over because she was either going the other way in traffic, or had someone pulled over and saw me. I think she was just pulling me over to see who was in the car. She was real cool though, and I gave her alot of respect for being that polite to me. I guess there are some down to earth cops out there after all..... Cheers now its time to have another!
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