The other day i was doing some rail-by passes while my friends took pics...and on my last pass i was flooring it prolly go up to 60 and i aired out the back completely...and then started laying out the front...when it got to the point where it was close to fully aired out...i started to lose control and my rear started sway and i got freaked the hell out cuz i was trying to correct it but at the same time i couldnt turn cuz i was too low to and i was too nervous to take my hand off the wheel and and hit the switches...but i let off the throttle imediately and just eased the wheel the little bit that i could and i gained back control and then was scary going out of control and fishtailing while i was layed out...thats never happened to me might have been cuz i was on the throttle too but it felt like i was about to flip over and kill me and my truck.... man, this ever happen to anyone else??