well after the problems we had at sonic when built2rail was in town etc. there are still chp's out there with a hard on for minitrucks. i was sitting at a light not even low or doing anything stupid just sitting waiting for it to turn green and a chp cuts off like three cars just so he can turn arround and get behind me he pulls me over sites me for no license plate lights no front plate and impropper seatbelts? i honestly know this guy just looked at the truck and pulled me over without any reason to he just took a long walk arround it and wrote what he saw. he ran checked my vin and asked me to open my door so i did and he looks for the sticker with the vin on it. then he proceeds to tell me he could impound my vehicle because the sticker on the door jamb was gone? wtf i honestly feel profiled and i am going to court for this ticket just to let the judge know this is seriously starting to get out of hand devon i will help you in any way to get this problem noticed by the local media and everyone who needs to know about it. it just makes me mad because chp will let any hot rods etc... go without anything but as soon as they see a truck with nice paint and a younger generation in it we get pulled over. oh yeah and are seatbelts with no top restraints legal? i do have lap belts but i got a damn ticket stating those were impropper. and i cant seem to find anything on the upper belt being required by law.