This is completely unrelated, but I figured I needed somewhere to vent. I have spent all day today debating whether or not Pitt Bulls make good pets. I own two of them currently and they are the best dogs I've ever owned. This debate was set off last night on the report that 3 pitt bulls killed an elderly woman.
Now, in the article it said something about the "wiry black dog." Who has ever seen a LONG HAIRED PITT BULL. This goes back to my argument that EVERY dog attack by a mixed breed dog is labeled as a pitt bull. It makes it harder for someone like me that has two of them to go anywhere with them because they are labeled as vicious before they even have an opportunity to prove otherwise.
I noticed a couple other people had pitt bulls in their profiles, just figured I would find out if everyone else had the same problems.
They keep talking about breed specific legislations, but the way I look at it, they aren't talking about banning motorcycles because they are dangerous and irresponsible people get killed on them all the time. They aren't banning guns because young children get ahold of them and have accidents and kill themselves or someone else.
Why take the actions of the irresponsible dog owners out on those of us that DO take responsibility for training our dogs correctly.
Just my opinion, and I'm sure there are those out there that will disagree with me.