Take your time and think through everything logically. the worst thing is rushing and not doing a proper job. It's taken me 6mos. to repair a botched drop job on a friends s10. '92 s10 bagged and 20's with 6 1/2in. BD.
Never, ever under any circimstances do you ever substitute JB Weld for actual welds. This dime had been BD 6 1/2. the only thing that held it together had been the jb weld and the carpet adhesive. I could have made the floor cuts better with a utility knife. The real clinker had been the whopping 4 spot welds ( that didn't pentrate) on the entire cab and the fact that the cab moved forward 3inches from the floor.
Twisted is off to a good start. I may not be a professional at this but i'm certainly not cherry to it either.