Please help
I tried to lower my truck by lossening the torrions.
There are 2 nuts on the bolt for some reason I can nto get either of them loose.
I need to break them free to be able to loosen the torrisions
Any Ideas?
yea i remember when i got mine loose they were a pain, but you have to hold the bottom nut while you turn the top one, not very easy but thats what you need to do.
I still having a problem with this.
Those damn nuts wont break loose.
Also could I just flip my ball joints?
That would give me a 3in drop right?
Do I need a kit to do this?
What are the disavantges to doing a ball joint flip.
Thanks Again
i broke my fucking hand and had to get stiches when i got my torsions broke loose...
fucking sucked.. they were tight....
i dont think the ball joint flip gives u 3 inch drop, i think its more like 1 inch drop.