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Yota Lowering \  power wheels?

power wheels?

Yota Lowering Yota Suspension Yota Tech
views 816
replies 8
following 4
holcombe347   +1y
i wasnt sure as to where to put this topic but it has to do with suspension. has anyone ever bagged and or bodydropped a power wheel? i remember i had a jeep way back in the day and i was thinking last night how tight it would be to get a powerwheel and lay it out. ive never seen it before or heard of it being done but im sure it has, if there are any pics i would like to see. thanks.

p.s. i think i just found a new project. lol. but at least its not a shopping
vegasyota94   +1y
im actullay going to be doing this for my son .. gotta buy a power wheel truck.. me and seth were talking about this on aim awhile ago..
all ive seen is videos of suped up powerwheels.. lol
holcombe347   +1y
that would be tight, i dont have any kids but it would still be sweet just to do anyways. lol. i know they have a h2 powerwheel out that would be pretty sweet to lay out. if you do, post up some pics. i searched the web for them...i guess some dude on streetsource did one or customized one but i didnt see any pics of it.
mexicant   +1y

mexicant   +1y

heres the link to the build up on this on bagged and bodydropped

vegasyota94   +1y
lol thats great
mexicant   +1y
yeah its pretty damn cool ands its 100% functional
3tcrob   +1y
It's on now I'm going to build one for my 7month old son , He will be jocking all the girls in day car
vegasyota94   +1y
lol im going on one for my 1 year old
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