I cant get my front suspension to lay. the uppers are pie-cut. im runing stock spindles adn control arms on 225 40 18s. if i step on the engine cradle, the frame will lay, but its got some resistance, and as soon as i step off, it pops right back up. is it possible that the lower balljoints are bound as well/ anyone had this problem? The only thing i can think of is the lower balljoints, or the tie rods.. Anyone had issues wiht either of these?
Im not sure yet but they might even be angled too much. i had already pie cut them when i first bodydropped my truck. the truck laid, But the frame wasnt laying, and the cab was overbodydropped.
the truck is now sfbd, i couldnt get the supsension to lay, so i unbolted the upper control arms, and it laid out fine. so i assumed it was the UCAs... Well i just finished my frame, and put the suspenion back together. Cut and angled the balljoints again, and still no luck.. it acutally seemed stiffer than it was before.. so maybe there over-angled.... Any ideas?