I was lookin into do a SFBD the cab of my 92 single cab chevy, and just doin a traditional on the bed. I already know how i to do bd to the rockers, but ive seen a few trucks on here that are laying door or actually like a couple centimeters above it. But anywayz one truck said he had a 6 in bd to lay doors, and the other said 4 in SFBD. Well I was gonna do it with 2x4, and just weld it inside the frame rails ahead of time, and then cut the top off of the frame rail and clean it up. And of course cut and lower the cab mounts 2.5in, but thats to lay rockers. How much more would i have to go to lay door? and when you cut the rockers off, do u have patch theback up, or just grind them down or sumthin?