Well, it is almost here. The first release from Leathal Productions -- Crime Pays Vol. I. Featuring show coverage from Meltdown, Dustoff, Spring Break Jam, Custom Sounds Texas Heatwave, and Texas Showdown. But wait.... This isn't one of those boring show coverage dvd's, no, no, no, fu*k a bunch of that noise. We are giving you what you want to see. Some of the best dragging on the highways and back roads of Austin Texas, with coverage of your very own DFW minis crew, sparking the roads of Dallas FTW at Dragfest II. You will see our crew punishing our daily drivers in a video that you can actually see, not just sparks in the middle of the night. You will also bear witness to the "Ford Danger weekend bagging" that recently took place. You will get all of this action set to some of the hottest bands in Austin Texas. The video will be available for purchase at this year's Heatwave, a price is not set, but it will be cheap, and even cheaper for everyone at DFW minis. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me or Chris (tealChevy) at Thanks for your support and the great footage from Dragfest II, we will do our best to include everyone in the video. __ Brandon and Chris of Leathal Productions**** sorry in advance for the slow download time. Thanks for your time******