I too have put a lot of research into this,your gonna get mixed opinions on this subject ALWAYS!!!to be blunt forward is the correct/only correct way to set up a 4 link!!!you can do a reverse,you can do a 50/50,they all will get your truck off the ground,they all will prob. out last your truck,if you want 8in of lift or so you're prob not gonna be able to tell the difference until it comes to hard braking,and acceleration.the twisting forces your axle goes through during these time are when your gonna notice the biggest differences and also when it comes to lift and pinion i'm not saying you cant take off or stop with reverse or 50/50,you can.but truth be told a reverse 4 link lifts the axle up during acceleration,where a forward pushes down-creating traction.a 50/50 more or less cancels out both the pushing force of the forward bars,and the lifting force of the rear facing bars.when it comes to lift,a forward can achieve anywhere from 13 to 19in. of lift(or more!depending on truck,length of bar,bag placement) with hardly any pinion angle change(assuming equal length bars from a side view,not actual bar length)my truck was 50/50 bag over axle for prob.8 years or better,nothing ever broke,was just fine. it's currently completely reverse and is fine with little lift,but it's wrong!as soon as my 9in. axle is complete she's getting back half'd with a forward facing 4 link,bag on bar with about a 2:1 ratio(bags in center of lower bars)don't want to offend anyone,like I said,all these designs will get your truck off the ground,but the correct way is forward.not to mention the only difference is a crummy gas tank.a spun aluminum gas tank or a fuel cell and a inline fuel pump will solve those problems.or just extend your fuel lines/wires and mount it in the rear of your frame.but don't take my word for some research on it,read bio max's 4 link article.there's more to a 4 link than throwing the bars under the truck and rolling it down the highway,not to mention dangerous!!! READ MAX'S 4 LINK ARTICLE!!!you'll learn more about 4 links there than anywhere else.and if you decide to go with a reverse or 50/50 setup at least you will have made an informed decision!
max's 4 link article....
a good read on reverse 4 links....
in this video,note how the pinion hardly changes with the forward equal length bars,and the reverse pulls the axle back.....