Edited: 7/23/2005 3:33:36 PM by 2bad4ya
Salvia Divinorum
heres a guy telling about his trip
"okay before i tell you about my dramatic experience i will explain what is Salvia
Salvia divinorum:
Family : Lamiaceae (Former: Labiatae)"a member of the mint plant family"
Genus : Salvia
Species : divinorum; splendens
A typical Psychedelic
* Loss of physical coordination
* Uncontrollable laughter
* Visual alterations or visions
* Experiencing multiple realities
* A contemplative sense of peace
* Sense of profound understanding
* Dream-like veneer over the world
* Sense of total confusion or madness
* Seeing or becoming part of a tunnel
* Loss of sense of awareness as an individual
* Experiencing a