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Foreign Cars (honda, etc) \  Stock or SR20

Stock or SR20

Foreign Cars (honda, etc) General Discussions
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replies 6
following 7
Donny2453   +1y
My friend and I are taking out his Stock 240 motor out of his project car. Should he stay with the stock motor and turbo it or go to the SR20 motor? If he keeps the stock motor should he do internals first or will it be fine just turboing it? Thanks
OldSkoolCadillac   +1y
i in the process of putting an sr20det in my buddies 89 240sx striaght foward swap, do something different rb26dett
CalvinRollin720   +1y
man id put the sr20 my boy got a 240 with one in it and its frikin !!! hella fast.... he was ganna do turbo but u have to be very carefull and u will still need nos to make it as a fast as the sr20 oh yeah
the rb26dett dont do that i hear everyone i know say bad shit about that motor do the sr20! best bet for fast speed and if u do it get the rocker arm stoppers it will save that motor!
bcdawg   +1y
Bad things about a rb26,your hearing stuff from the wrong people my friend.rb26 is up with the jz,bullet proof.Givin' an sr20 is a badass little motor.But give me rb anyday.More work to install in a 240/silvia but worth it.But back to Donny's question these guys could point you in the direction with your plans.
wht01ranger   +1y
Originally posted by CalvinRollin720

the rb26dett dont do that i hear everyone i know say bad shit about that motor do the sr20!

nothing is wrong with the RB

79crewzer   +1y
RB26 comes in an all wheel drive car. You would also have to get a 300zx trans. I got this info from some japanesse I work with. You also need the cross member under the motor. sr would bee a lot easier. rb25 would also be a good choice
Nissan Skyline GTR   +1y
the rb25 is definetely a good choice or the sr20det, either wud be an excellent choice, cud be expensive though
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