Originally posted by Russ-D
Originally posted by Nissan4x293
I guess that I gave too many details, so let me use the KISS system also known as Keep It Simple Stupid LOL
15" Pathfinder wheels are:
15x8 with an offset of +42mm True or False?
Thanks! to kelly (crewcabondubs)for giving me a way of finding out
Yes I want wires, 15" deep dish would be my first choice, if not, standards.
The question was to find out if someone with an HB like mine was able to fit some on his/her truck without having to get 4x4 fenders. And if so what kind of Wires/Tyres combo did you use?
Ok. I did not use the KISS system.Thanks!
FALSE. Pathys are 15x6.
You will not tuck deep dish wires even with 4x4 fenders. Maybe with standard offset, but if standard offset is 15x8 and 20mm, then no, not even with 4x4. The only set of wires I've ever seen tuck on a 6 lug truck were true knock off with FWD offset.
For import 6 lug trucks, you need at LEAST 32mm offset on a 7 inch wide wheel and at least 39mm offset on a 7.5 inch wide wheel, 45mm for an 8. As far as I know, no one makes this offset in six lug wires.
Thanks for the information Russ-D! The Pathys you're talking about are like the ones pictured? (see beginning of my post ^^^^^^^ for pic)
And thanks to everyone else, you're basically confirming what I was thinking. If I want to tuck wires, I'll need to be more creative with allot more work since that I do not want the classic lowrider look with wheels sticking out.
It looks like I'll keep my Pathys for a bit longer and work towards other upgrades for the time being
Thanks to all!