So, they should be disqualified cause the people don't drag them? Please tell me thats not what anyone is saying, cause that would be flat out stupid. I completely understand the statements about unfinished trucks being shot for covers & features when there not even close to done and i agree with that arguement. But, the whole driven & dragging thing just threw me for a loop. I can completely see driving a show truck, I liked driving mine, but I also wanted to keep it nice and pristine as long as I could! I had too much nice truly finished out work underneath my last show truck & my current show car to go draggin' it cause some jackass in black socks, Dickies, and a flat billed cap told me to do so. I'm not saying don't drag your truck, do what you want, but don't disqualify a truck from being the sickest or nicest cause the owner doesn't beat the shit out of his freshly bodyworked, base cleared, slicked & buffed chassis with thousands of dollars & hours in nice indexed fastners and detailed plumbing. Remember, these are supposed to be "show trucks" not drivers.