no, everything was a straight over swap. i did have to use the tranny mount for the 5 speed though. everything else also just swapped right in...the drive line was fine, crossmember was fine, clutch, clutch fork, and slave cylinder all mated together nicely. the trannys are the same length. just the 5 speed has an extra little hump at the bottom...
i have since swapped my 4 speed tranny back in the truck because i didnt gain anything out of the 5 speed with my stock 4 speed rear end. the 5 speed caused my truck to lose its lowerend, and at top end it actually tached higher at 80 than it did whith the 4 speed. had i swapped the 5 speed rear end gearing im sure it would have been perfect but i didnt.
i have a 5 speed tranny and a brand new tranny mount for sale if anyone is interested. ive opened the tranny up myself, the sincros, gears, and linkage are all in great shape.