Hi Everyone. I just thought that I would update everyone on what I am up to now, so that it might clarify some rumors that I have just heard about. I am currently living in Florida, working as a casting agent for a Talent agency. I am also hosting a tv show called Motorcycle TV, that is based out of Tampa. I have also been in two movies as a lead character, and I have two more coming up in November and January. They are all Horror movies. Hoodoo For Voodoo, Death Plots 4, A Killing Season, and Eschaton. I do everything from getting killed, to catching the killer, to being the killer. They will all be released next year. The reason I am clarifying this is because I have been told there is a rumor on here that I am doing porn. Guess what guys...that is so WRONG. I am, however, being dubbed a Scream Queen. I have had a two page write up in the British Magazine Scream for Me, and I will be a featured guest at Screamfest 2005 in Ft. Laurderdale this year. Now, some of you guys might think that is lame. I mean Lenea Quigley, Lloyd Kauffman, Debbie Roschan, Cory Feldman, and Corey Haim as fellow patrons in these films. That is fine with me. I am having a blast and loving it, and loving the people I work with. I haven't said anything on here, because I don't think it is right. I have to now to clarify. To all my friendsw on here I love you guys, I miss you, and I hope to see you soon. Scrape it "Till The Break Of Dawn" McKae