tommy b
Hiim getting pretty keen to paint my 82 yota, and im stuck for a choice and wanted some opinions. i was originally going to go with orange but after seeing a few ive gotten over far ive gotMetalic dark red - the colour just looks sick i remember seeing it on a B series and loved it.Brilliant White - ah who cares about the name, i mean really white, my old compact was white white and when it was washed and polished it looked great, i saw a pic on the net of my model truck with the 90 chrome bumper i have i liked alot, plus i wouldnt have to worry about under the hood or cab cos its already white.dark blue - saw a 84 yota in a movie "187" last night it looked great. i really liked it it had dark tints and it looked good against the chrome.
at the moment its flat black. its a bastard to keep clean and im bored of will be a while before i paint as i need to find some new doors. i already have new brand new 4x4 pannels on the front end sitting on in factory black. i dont want to leave it in that state too long tho as it will rust out