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Yota 2.4L 22-RE I4 \  Won't fire

Won't fire

Yota 2.4L 22-RE I4 Yota Engine Yota Tech
views 6318
replies 42
following 13
twisted minis   +1y
I need some assistance. I'm trying to get my motor fired so I can break in the cam. All my electrical is hooked up right, it was labeled before I took it apart, and most plugs only go to one place. My vaccuum lines are fine, those were also labeled. I put gas in the carb, down the float vents to fill the bowl. So I turned it over and it just cranks and cranks and cranks. Is there a way to check for spark without pulling the plugs? The plugs are new, I just got my 1/2" ratchet set stolen during my moms most recent divorce, and I don't have a socket to get them out. And I really don't want to have to drive 30 miles to get one. Is there anything else I should be checking? My grounds are good, directly into bare metal. The frame to body ground might not be solid, I'm not 100% sure.

I'm not 100% sure on the MSD ignition wiring, because the instructions were quite vague, and based on a Chevy V8. But I found a Toyota wiring schematic for them, and hooked it up exactly that way.

I need some help quick, I gotta smog by the end of the day.
holcombe347   +1y
i was having problems with mine not turned out to be the ground that goes to the coil. somehow it came disconnected in the cab...i never found where all i did was cut the ground and put a ring connector on it and grounded it to the body. fired right up after that...

check the timing..was #1 at TDC when you set it all up?

it could also be the ignition you put could possibly put in the stock one for now just to try and trouble shoot the problem.

if hooked up properly you can use a test light and check the power running into the ignition. you cant use a test light to test the coil wires you need a special tester for it but while the ignition in off hook the test light to the positive on the batter and test both wires. both should light up. turn the ignition on and test the same two wire...only one should light up. as for the other one that didnt, ground the tester and try that should then light up if all done correctly. if power is goign to the ignition then it should be getting spark, as its very unlikely for one wire to go bad, let alone all four.

does the rest of your truck work electrical wise? gauge lights dome light(if one) door buzzer, etc.
twisted minis   +1y
I have no door buzzer, or seatbelt buzzer, or dome light. Some of the lights in the dash come up when I turn the key.

It was timed with #1 at TDC.

I checked spark just now, and theres nothing. I tested it with the distributor wired both ways.
phatboislim   +1y
sorry i have no knowledge but dnt give up on it
twisted minis   +1y
I'm not giving up, but I've got about 2 hours left to get it to start, break the cam in, and get it to the smog station, or I won't have a truck.
jeremycracker   +1y
if you are using an MSD 6, 6AL, etc..... box!
There is a cap on the side of it, when you take the cap off there are 2 wire loops under it. you have to cut both of those wires.

as for checking for spark, pull one of your spark plug wires and stick a screwdriver in it, have someone spin the motor over and you hold the screwdiver close to a ground, if it is getting fire it will arc from the screwdriver to the ground.
(of course, you DO need to hold the screwdriver by the handle, b/c it WILL shock the piss out of you if it is firing!)<----not trying to insult your intelligence, but you would be surprized at the people that don't think about what they are doing
twisted minis   +1y
I actually got an extra spark plug to test the spark. I don't have the option of someone else turning the motor until later tonight after the smog stations close, so I needed something I could do on my own. Theres no spark whatsoever.

And I'm using the smaller MSD box, I don't remember what is called. Is there still somethign that needs to be cut? I don't see a cap on the side of mine. Its completely sealed with a rubber grommet where the wires come out.
holcombe347   +1y
is the coil getting power?

if nothing else dude, trailer it there drop it off and if it doesnt dumb with it and just let it fail. just to buy you some more time.
twisted minis   +1y
How do I check if the coil is getting power? I don't know shit about this. I feel helpless without my friend here that knows this shit.

I can't get a trailer on such short notice today, or a truck. Also, the truck has to run to fail.
jeremycracker   +1y
on the positive side of the coil stick a test light to it, ground the test light and spin the motor. if you are getting power to the coil, while you are spinnig the motor over the test light should flash.